Facebook Marketing in 2025: A complete guide for small business owners


Want to learn how to do facebook marketing ?

Here is the complete set-up guide for facebook marketing you need to know.

Facebook is the world’s biggest social network platform in the world and India has the most facebook users with over 320 million.

In this post I will guide you how to use facebook marketing to grow your business and generate leads. You can run facebook ads with your own and target your specific local customers.

So, let’s get started.

Create a Facebook Business Page

There are some difference between profile pages and business pages. In a profile page you can connect with someone as personal profile and send a friend request.

But when you have a business page, people can like & follow without any approval from you. You can even connect millions of people through your business page who like it.

So, the most obvious and first thing to do is create a facebook business page.

create a facebook page

It’s like a hub of information about your business, products or services. Here your audience can “Like” and “follow” your page and they will automatically receive your page content in their facebook  feed.

Lets setup your Page

A Facebook page set up correctly is very important because it tells the whole story about your business at a first glance to your customers. Here I guide you step by step how you can set up your own facebook business page for facebook marketing.

Page Information

The first step for facebook marketing is to create a page name. Here you should use your business name so that your customers can easily find you by a simple search on facebook.

The next important thing is category. This tells what your business page represents to the audience. Facebook has a lots of option to suggest category from which you can choose according to your business.

The business description tells the purpose of your page. Write a short description about your business but make it short and simple. You can add your location, contact information, Business hours, Pricing and product details.

facebook page setup

Profile & Cover Image

Your logo should be your profile photo for sure. Anything else leads to be a bad impression. For cover images you have to decide what to put here. It may be a design banner with contact information or may be your products/services list.

A intro video can also be a good idea. So, choose a image / video that instantly grab your visitor’s attention so that they can excited to scoll through your page.

What to post on your timeline?

Now it’s time to post that will show up in the news feeds of everyone who has liked your page. The important part is don’t post anything that are not useful or not so informative. Don’t post same thing again and again and also don’t post too often.

Here are some ideas what to post on your timeline.
  • Important Information about your business.
  • Offers or Coupons for your customers.
  • Articles related to your business.
  • Wishes on public holidays
  • Special events of your business.

Again, make sure that these posts are interesting and helpful. Don’t spam your timeline. Otherwise you may lose your audience.

Targeted Advertising through facebook Ads

For small business owners facebook offers a great advertising platform. You can create ads and target at specific categories of people, area and age group which is very helpful for facebook marketing.

You can also set your own budget (the minimum budget is 73.49/day) and the ad duration which facebook suggest at least 7 days for better result while doing facebook marketing.

So let’s see how we can run a facebook ad.

Add a payment method

payment method1
payment method

As Facbook marketing ad works on a Prepaid basis, to start a campaign you have to ad a Payment method and add money to your facebook wallet. Even if you have an ad credit, still you need to add a payment method.

Create an ad

Now you are ready to create an ad and pick a goal you set to how you want to target your customers.

create ad

Facebook have different option to choose from. Here is the list

  • Automated ads
  • Get more messages in your inbox
  • Get more click to your website
  • Get more website purchases
  • Boost a Post
  • Promote your page to get more likes
  • Promote call now button
  • Promote your business locally
  • Get more leads

Choose your preference and select an option what suits you the best.

Lets create an example of Facebook marketing ad.

Let’s say we have a sweet shop called “Premier Sweets” in Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar.

The shop wants a facebook marketing in Bhubaneswar & run an ad for their special product Sugar free sweet and wants customers to call directly to recieve the order.

So, here is the goal

1. Audience

As the product here is sugar free sweet, the target customers were those who love to eat sweets but have high level sugar.

So, generally we should choose a age group between 45-65 both male & female and lets say we want our product to deliver within 5 KM. So, the location will be a radius of 5KM around the shop location.

2. Budget

Our budget is 500 rupees and the ad will run for 5 days (100/day) for which facebook automatically estimate how many people are going to see the ad.

3. The Ad creative

Here comes the most important part, how do you want the ad to look.

Let’s assume there is a competitor who is targeting the same audience in same area for the same product (sugar free sweet). Now the whole thing becomes tricky. Your target audience may have seen a lots of ads in their feed, than why they stop at your ad and pay attention to it?

Here the ad creative will be the clincher that is it should be really creative to capture the audience’s attention. the description should be short and simple that the customers can connect withit easily. The headline should be straight to the point and besides that we have our CTA (call now) button.

The image should be a custom design graphic that can instantly grab the customer’s eye. Also keep in mind that the graphic should have only 20% text and 80% image. Otherwise the reach will be less.

Here is our final result.

facebook ad for sweet shop

Now we are ready for promotion. Facebook takes a maximum of 1-24 hours to review the ad and then the ad starts running.

I recommend you should have a look at Facebook Advertising policies  before you start, else few ads may be rejected due to non-compliance.


Today Facebook marketing is so much powerful that no matter what type of business you run you have to be on it.

For starters it takes some time to understand all the features Facebook offers but it’s worth it. You can also run the same ad in instagram by connecting your facebook & instagram account.

You can start with a small budget and gradually grow your business. If you don’t get enough calls or leads at the beginning don’t panic. The positive side is you can leave a mark on your customers mind.

The customers starts recognizing your business slowly and that’s the most important part of the any successful business. As such most customers don’t get converted at the first instance and they need constant nudging.

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